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Village of Kaleva

The assessors for Maple Grove Township is Great Lakes Assessing, specifically, Sharon Zakrajsek who can be reached at 231.468.2977

Applications for a Veteran’s Exemption can be obtained by calling the Assessor.  Click for the Applications for Poverty/Low Income Exemption Form 4988 and the  Revised Poverty Exemption Tax Payer Fact Sheet for 2024-2025 or pick them up at the Township Hall during normal hours. Additional Forms Affirmation of Ownership and Form 5739 and Poverty Exemption Affidavit Form 5737.



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Information on your taxes and future purchases in Maple Grove Township


In Michigan, a property’s taxable value will increase from one year to the next by the rate of inflation or 5%, whichever is less, until ownership of the property is transferred. Once ownership is transferred, the property’s taxable value is uncapped and will increase to the same level as the assessed value the year following the sale.


This process is called “uncapping” a property’s taxable value, and it can cause a significant tax increase on the following year after buying a home.


The taxable value can increase up to the SEV or State Equalized Value, which is an important factor to determine future taxes once a property is transferred to a new owner 3.


It’s important to investigate property taxes before buying a home. The real estate listing may estimate the current property taxes, but you need to take it a step further to get the full tax costs


One common tax number that is overlooked is the SEV or State Equalized Value.


If you are planning to buy a home in Michigan, it’s advisable to consider the potential increase in property taxes after the purchase. You can use the information provided in this response to make an informed decision.


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