Maple Grove Township has partnered with the Village of Kaleva for Planning and Zoning.
Joint Zoning Administrator:
The office of the Joint Planning Commission is located at 9208 Kauko St and the phone is 231.362.3825.
Office hours of the Zoning Administrator are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 am to 2 pm.
The Village-Maple Grove Joint Planning Commission meets the third Tuesday of the month at 6 pm in the Maple Grove Township Community Center library.
Joint Planning Commission Members:
We are always seeking members for various boards in the township.
We are in the process, in correlation with Networks NorthWest to complete our joint master plan, please keep an eye out for meetings for open houses and other events.
Check back as we finalize our Joint Master Plan and post it.
Joint Zoning Administrator
At this time Wayne Beldo and Dan Holtz are working together to help
C: 231.362-3825
F: 231.362.2555
H. Wayne Beldo
Cindy Asiala
Joseph Barnett
David Beldo
Elizabeth Dufresne